2012 was an uncommon year. Not just for the new songs, movies, records set and records broken- but the vicious repetitions of history on an exponential scale. Bloodier wars were fought, tougher solutions were sought; mother nature seemed to inflict vengeful havoc on us for all the pollution. More importantly, the amount of human stupidity greatly multiplied!
Yes. People did the sane things they did in the years before made the same mistakes, told the same lies, loved the same people, ate the same food. And we became 7 billion resident humans on earth.
The world sadly didn't end on 21st December ( I kept waiting for something catastrophic to happen so that at least ONE culture/religious prediction of Apocalypse would come true in my lifetime. Sadly the Mayans proved to be some weirdos who just wrote a joke as a final death wish ;))
**moving on** I just want to point out the inherent stupidity of the Nigerian Christmas. Forget the Christmas carols (singing "we wish you a merry Christmas" and having no idea what a figgy pudding is). Forget the drab political speeches we hear everyday. PDP advised their members to emulate christ as a Christmas message!!! That has to be the sickest Christmas joke ever.
Oh well, i'm gonna bring in the foolishness of celebrating Christmas with such pomp, pageantry and panache when the harsh truth is that by January everyone will return to their tight budget, start running about for the children's fees and house rents, and mortgage payments. And by "everyone " you know I don't mean that literally!
A family of 8 living in a 2 room apartment will lavish money on rice, chicken, cartons of juice, grape wine and expensive clothes. Things they might not reasonably be able to afford throughout the year.
So why toil and toil and slave stupidly ALL year only to squander it in the name of a celebration that has no real value? Jesus never asked us to celebrate his birthday. The only thing we were asked to do is the Eucharist. The holy Communion.
Christmas was just "invented" by the roman government to replace the pagan festival of the sun god. It is not wrong to celebrate the birth of Jesus as the Shepherds and the magi did. Don't make yourself a slave to the commerciality, the capitalist trap of spending it! What on earth does Santa Claus have to do with the birth of Christ? what on earth do drunken parties have to do with Christmas?
Perhaps people want to have something to reward their hard work throughout the year, but if you spend it all today, what will you eat tomorrow? Where will you sleep next year?
Unless we learn the lessons of 2012, the next year will be even more vicious.
Sorry to spoil your mood